About Us

Designerbagsblog helps you discover high-quality, luxury, and sustainably made designer bags.

While designer handbags may cost more initially, they will save you money in the long run, improving the quality of your life and lessening the impact your purchases have on the environment.

However, buying high-quality is not the default mindset for most consumers. The throwaway culture is responsible for many of today’s most pressing problems, including environmental degradation, higher debt levels, and anxiety.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. We’re on a mission to help eco-minded, quality-concerned buyers find dependable products that are built to last. Some companies and brands are committed to making high-quality and long-lasting products.

The equation is simple: spend a little more upfront, and receive long-term value. But how can a buyer feel confident their investment is worth the price? That’s where our reviews come in. We are committed to transparency and honesty. We put each product through its paces before writing in-depth and insightful reviews.

But no matter how well a product is made, it will always need a bit of TLC (tender love and care). That’s why we also write about how to take care of your products to make them last as long as possible.

Buying smart is its own kind of lifestyle. Our buying decisions have far-reaching consequences, so let’s start buying smarter together, and help make the world a better place.

Our Mission
We match people who are looking for luxury products with high-quality brands. We also write about sustainability and how-to guides on how to make your things last longer.

Our Value
We only promote products that we back. We do not publish guest posts, advertorials, or paid reviews. All our articles are thoroughly researched before they get published and are written exclusively by in-house writers.

Contact us addresses below or via contact form

Business Inquiries kate [at] designerbagsblog [dot] com

Managing editor niki [at] designerbagsblog [dot] com